Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pwn Beast Tom Scholz

After a discussion with my carpool partner, I've become fascinated with the life of Tom Scholz. I figured it's worth a cool, yet short, blog post.

Scholz earned a bachelor's and master's degree from MIT in mechanical engineering. After that, he worked as a product design engineer for Polaroid and played some guitar in his free time. In addition to playing, he also tinkered with the recording equipment. One such piece was an amplifier that he would later sell called the Rockman Guitar Amplifier (it would sell big).

Using these pieces of equipment, he recorded a couple of random demos, and signed with a record label to produce it. You probably know the album as 'Boston.' You know, the one that was the fastest selling debut album in history?

How cool is that? This is like the inventor of the typewriter deciding to show off his new contraption by penning The DaVinci Code. Absolutely incredible.

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